A Tale of Spooky Hallow


Dear Robynn,


Once lived a spider named Charlotte

Who built her web over a garden pot.

Late at night, while she slept,

First it snuck, then it crept,

And left with her web; she’s distraught

Jelly asked ‘what makes you so sad?’

She told them of what she no longer had

“I weave in sun or rain

But each night is the same

Who is it, this sneak? This footpad?”


“What could it be,” Jelly asked Cricket.

“Who is this sneak that could be so wicked?”

“I’m not sure let’s go see,

Be it a he or she,

For our friend Charlotte we seek it.”


Once they had climbed back down to the ground

Cricket sniffed and then she searched all around;

Pieces of web and strings,

beside sticks and odd things,

that went downhill then up a mound.


Led by a path of web and scents

Along to a eerie hallow they went

At a strange garden bed

A spooky pumpkin said

Go in, go on, I give consent


Deep in the hallow, in misty gloom

Where things were still and silent like a tomb

Jelly said I found it here

She said it must be near

Above her head, she said, it loomed


She ducked behind the pumpkin head

and Cricket ducked down inside instead

Up the web the thief came

And it seemed just the same

A second spider they saw with dread


They hurried back to Charlotte then

and showed her where it was that they had been

Once back at the hallow

Jelly said with a swallow

Just here, I believe, is it’s den


You do not need to take my web

You can make your own web, so Charlotte said

It’s all in the design

No need to steal mine

This is how to make one instead


The thief was pleased with what he made

Jelly and Cricket were happy to aid

No more did he steal

Farewell this ordeal

All was well now so they played

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