Monthly Archives: November 2012

Thanksgiving Feast of Rats


One day Jelly Bean happened across a giant table (giant compared to her) filled with delicious smells and food.

There was a roasted turkey with savory seasoning, creamy mashed potatoes topped with fresh melted butter, bread crumb dressing with celery bits, and rich gravy.


She ate, and ate, and ate until she was so full she could not eat anymore.


And when she stopped, she had eaten it all.


She was so full, she slept the rest of that afternoon and ate the lovely feast again in her dreams.

And so passed Thanksgiving in similar fashion for all of us.

The Enchanted Forest


One day, Jelly Bean the dumbo rat and Cricket the fancy rat were out exploring together. They came across a small tunnel, and Jelly immediately wanted to go inside.

“Now you just wait here and I will go in first,” said Cricket, remembering how Jelly had recently gotten herself stuck in a hole.

Cricket went in first and Jelly waited patiently. But when she could no longer here Cricket’s footsteps her curiosity became too much.

She started into the tunnel cautiously at first.  It wasn’t a deep tunnel, and she could not understand how Cricket could have disappeared.

As Jelly got further inside all things became darker and darker.

The tunnel was much longer on the inside than it had looked to her on the outside. And no matter how far she went she could not seem to find the end of it.

The tunnel was narrow and dark, and she let her whiskers guide her forward.

Jelly kept going even though she was beginning to be worried. The tunnel was becoming damp as water started to drip from the ceiling and formed a little stream.  Then she saw a light up ahead, and, she thought, the end of the tunnel.

When Jelly came to the end of the tunnel she looked out on a beautiful forest meadow.

Cricket was already there, enjoying the sunny woods.  “We shall have to remember this tunnel and come back here sometime.” Cricket said.

Jelly and Cricket stayed the rest of the day. Only when the sun began to set did they return home.

The Trixy Pixy Rat


Jelly Bean, the dumbo rat, had prepared ahead of time for all Hallows Night when she would go out into the world as the Trixy Pixy Rat and collect sweets.

After trying everything on to make sure it fit she put it aside to wait for the sun to set. “Cricket,” She said, looking for her best rat friend. But Cricket didn’t answer. Cricket was also trying on her ‘surprise’ costume and when Jelly found Cricket’s trick or treat bucket she couldn’t believe what was holding it.

“Cricket, is that really you?”


Cricket-in-a-costume didn’t answer, and Jelly inspected her closely. She was beginning to worry that this costume was too good. “Oh no,” Jelly said, “Cricket, you have transformed into a spider! But don’t worry Cricket, I will go and find the magic that will change you back.”

But Cricket had not changed into a spider. Jelly Bean had made an erroneous assumption without any concrete evidence to back it up. So while Jelly Bean trotted off to find the magic, Cricket was also looking for Jelly Bean.

 And while Jelly looked high

 Cricket was looking low

 And while Jelly was looking Inside

 Cricket was looking outside

 And while Jelly was looking left, Cricket was looking right.

Jelly Bean was just about to give up when she found Cricket.

“You are not a spider!” She said.

“Of course not, you silly rat.” Cricket said.