Cricket’s Magic Remedy


“No I can’t play today, Cricket, I just don’t feel well” Jelly Bean told her rat friend.

Cricket took one sniff of Jelly Bean and knew that Jelly was sick.

Rat Cuddles

“Don’t worry,” Cricket said. “I will go into the enchanted woods and find a cure for you.”

“How will you do that?”

“Vaccinations come from needles.” Cricket reasoned. “I will go into the enchanted woods and bring back a pine needle to cure you.”

So Cricket went through the long dark tunnel and emerged into the enchanted forest.

Rat in Forest

She frolicked only a short way before she came across many trees from which she took a branch of pine needles back to Jelly Bean.

Rat and Pine

Jelly Bean chewed on the pine needles but she did not feel any better.

On the 2nd day Cricket reasoned with Jelly Bean, “Warm soup can cure any cold. I will go into the enchanted woods and bring back some mushrooms to make a soup for you.” So Cricket went through the long dark tunnel and emerged into the enchanted forest. She pranced only a short way before she came across some delicious looking mushrooms.

Mushroom Rat

Jelly Bean slurped down all her soup but she only felt a little better.

On the 3rd day Cricket told Jelly Bean, “The pine cones in the forest are magical. I will go into the enchanted woods and bring back a pinecone for you.” So Cricket went through the long dark tunnel and emerged into the enchanted forest. She skipped only a short way before she found a fallen pine cone which she dragged back.

Rat and Pinecone

Jelly gnawed on the pinecone but only felt a little better.

Rat and Pine Cone

On the 4th day Cricket told Jelly Bean “Don’t worry. I will go into the enchanted woods and find a cure for you.” But Jelly Bean met her on the way out. “I feel much better.” Jelly Bean said. “We can go together today.”

Rat Friends

“But you didn’t feel well!” Cricket said. “And the pine needles didn’t work, and the mushroom didn’t work, and the pine cone didn’t work.”

“I guess sometimes you just have to wait and rest to feel better.” Jelly Bean said. And they both scurried off to enjoy their day in the enchanted woods.

Rats take magic tunnel

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