Tag Archives: Children’s stories

Cricket’s Magic Remedy


“No I can’t play today, Cricket, I just don’t feel well” Jelly Bean told her rat friend.

Cricket took one sniff of Jelly Bean and knew that Jelly was sick.

Rat Cuddles

“Don’t worry,” Cricket said. “I will go into the enchanted woods and find a cure for you.”

“How will you do that?”

“Vaccinations come from needles.” Cricket reasoned. “I will go into the enchanted woods and bring back a pine needle to cure you.”

So Cricket went through the long dark tunnel and emerged into the enchanted forest.

Rat in Forest

She frolicked only a short way before she came across many trees from which she took a branch of pine needles back to Jelly Bean.

Rat and Pine

Jelly Bean chewed on the pine needles but she did not feel any better.

On the 2nd day Cricket reasoned with Jelly Bean, “Warm soup can cure any cold. I will go into the enchanted woods and bring back some mushrooms to make a soup for you.” So Cricket went through the long dark tunnel and emerged into the enchanted forest. She pranced only a short way before she came across some delicious looking mushrooms.

Mushroom Rat

Jelly Bean slurped down all her soup but she only felt a little better.

On the 3rd day Cricket told Jelly Bean, “The pine cones in the forest are magical. I will go into the enchanted woods and bring back a pinecone for you.” So Cricket went through the long dark tunnel and emerged into the enchanted forest. She skipped only a short way before she found a fallen pine cone which she dragged back.

Rat and Pinecone

Jelly gnawed on the pinecone but only felt a little better.

Rat and Pine Cone

On the 4th day Cricket told Jelly Bean “Don’t worry. I will go into the enchanted woods and find a cure for you.” But Jelly Bean met her on the way out. “I feel much better.” Jelly Bean said. “We can go together today.”

Rat Friends

“But you didn’t feel well!” Cricket said. “And the pine needles didn’t work, and the mushroom didn’t work, and the pine cone didn’t work.”

“I guess sometimes you just have to wait and rest to feel better.” Jelly Bean said. And they both scurried off to enjoy their day in the enchanted woods.

Rats take magic tunnel

Dance of the Rats


There were strange things happening in my house while I was away at work. When I came home at night somehow the Christmas tree lights were already on, though no one was here to turn them on.


This remained a mystery for a few nights until I came home early this Friday. I quickly found out that Cricket was magical, and with a little help from Jelly, was turning on the lights all by herself.

See for yourself.

Thanksgiving Feast of Rats


One day Jelly Bean happened across a giant table (giant compared to her) filled with delicious smells and food.

There was a roasted turkey with savory seasoning, creamy mashed potatoes topped with fresh melted butter, bread crumb dressing with celery bits, and rich gravy.


She ate, and ate, and ate until she was so full she could not eat anymore.


And when she stopped, she had eaten it all.


She was so full, she slept the rest of that afternoon and ate the lovely feast again in her dreams.

And so passed Thanksgiving in similar fashion for all of us.

The Enchanted Forest


One day, Jelly Bean the dumbo rat and Cricket the fancy rat were out exploring together. They came across a small tunnel, and Jelly immediately wanted to go inside.

“Now you just wait here and I will go in first,” said Cricket, remembering how Jelly had recently gotten herself stuck in a hole.

Cricket went in first and Jelly waited patiently. But when she could no longer here Cricket’s footsteps her curiosity became too much.

She started into the tunnel cautiously at first.  It wasn’t a deep tunnel, and she could not understand how Cricket could have disappeared.

As Jelly got further inside all things became darker and darker.

The tunnel was much longer on the inside than it had looked to her on the outside. And no matter how far she went she could not seem to find the end of it.

The tunnel was narrow and dark, and she let her whiskers guide her forward.

Jelly kept going even though she was beginning to be worried. The tunnel was becoming damp as water started to drip from the ceiling and formed a little stream.  Then she saw a light up ahead, and, she thought, the end of the tunnel.

When Jelly came to the end of the tunnel she looked out on a beautiful forest meadow.

Cricket was already there, enjoying the sunny woods.  “We shall have to remember this tunnel and come back here sometime.” Cricket said.

Jelly and Cricket stayed the rest of the day. Only when the sun began to set did they return home.

The Trixy Pixy Rat


Jelly Bean, the dumbo rat, had prepared ahead of time for all Hallows Night when she would go out into the world as the Trixy Pixy Rat and collect sweets.

After trying everything on to make sure it fit she put it aside to wait for the sun to set. “Cricket,” She said, looking for her best rat friend. But Cricket didn’t answer. Cricket was also trying on her ‘surprise’ costume and when Jelly found Cricket’s trick or treat bucket she couldn’t believe what was holding it.

“Cricket, is that really you?”


Cricket-in-a-costume didn’t answer, and Jelly inspected her closely. She was beginning to worry that this costume was too good. “Oh no,” Jelly said, “Cricket, you have transformed into a spider! But don’t worry Cricket, I will go and find the magic that will change you back.”

But Cricket had not changed into a spider. Jelly Bean had made an erroneous assumption without any concrete evidence to back it up. So while Jelly Bean trotted off to find the magic, Cricket was also looking for Jelly Bean.

 And while Jelly looked high

 Cricket was looking low

 And while Jelly was looking Inside

 Cricket was looking outside

 And while Jelly was looking left, Cricket was looking right.

Jelly Bean was just about to give up when she found Cricket.

“You are not a spider!” She said.

“Of course not, you silly rat.” Cricket said.

A Tale of Spooky Hallow


Dear Robynn,


Once lived a spider named Charlotte

Who built her web over a garden pot.

Late at night, while she slept,

First it snuck, then it crept,

And left with her web; she’s distraught

Jelly asked ‘what makes you so sad?’

She told them of what she no longer had

“I weave in sun or rain

But each night is the same

Who is it, this sneak? This footpad?”


“What could it be,” Jelly asked Cricket.

“Who is this sneak that could be so wicked?”

“I’m not sure let’s go see,

Be it a he or she,

For our friend Charlotte we seek it.”


Once they had climbed back down to the ground

Cricket sniffed and then she searched all around;

Pieces of web and strings,

beside sticks and odd things,

that went downhill then up a mound.


Led by a path of web and scents

Along to a eerie hallow they went

At a strange garden bed

A spooky pumpkin said

Go in, go on, I give consent


Deep in the hallow, in misty gloom

Where things were still and silent like a tomb

Jelly said I found it here

She said it must be near

Above her head, she said, it loomed


She ducked behind the pumpkin head

and Cricket ducked down inside instead

Up the web the thief came

And it seemed just the same

A second spider they saw with dread


They hurried back to Charlotte then

and showed her where it was that they had been

Once back at the hallow

Jelly said with a swallow

Just here, I believe, is it’s den


You do not need to take my web

You can make your own web, so Charlotte said

It’s all in the design

No need to steal mine

This is how to make one instead


The thief was pleased with what he made

Jelly and Cricket were happy to aid

No more did he steal

Farewell this ordeal

All was well now so they played

Rockin’ Rats


Dear Robynn,

One day Jelly Bean, the rat, was feeling a little sad. She was thinking about the instruments Cricket had surprised her with a few weeks ago, but Jelly did not know what to do with them.

At first she tried to play the guitar, but she couldn’t figure out which side was up.

Jelly soon gave up and Cricket took immediate interest in the guitar and began fiddling with it. Cricket was learning quickly.

Jelly next approached the piano.

The piano was much easier for her to use, but the noises she made did not sound good. She played much too loud. Clung clung went the piano. She was quickly discouraged.

The  next day she tried again, but the noises she made did not sound good. She was too off beat. Ding dung ding, ding ding went the piano. She was quickly dispirited.

The next day she tried again, but the noises she made did not sound good. The piano was out of tune. Squeal and screech went the piano. She was quickly disheartened.

The next day, Jelly Bean did not try again. She spent long hours watching longingly as Cricket practiced.

When Cricket saw that Jelly was not playing she asked her what was the matter. Jelly told her that she could not make the piano sound good. “You must keep trying,” Cricket said. “The only way to become very good at something is to keep practicing, even if it takes a long time.”

Jelly Bean practiced with Cricket every day and she became better and better.

Soon they were both playing together.

They named their duo band Rockin’ Rats and produced several smashing hits such as

  • Fuzzy Mizfits
  • Mad Ratters
  • ‘Lil Rugrats

You can look for their album cover:

But best of all, Jelly Bean learned that she really could play the piano, so long as she practiced.

A Dark Hole


Dear Robynn,

One day Jelly Bean, being an adventurous rat, decided to go exploring all by herself. She had never been exploring by herself, and wasn’t quite sure how to begin. She thought, “I shall just pick a direction and keep going until I am done.”

And this is what she did. She trotted across stretches of fuzzy carpeting, over mountains of fluffy pillows, and through forests of chair legs.

After a little while, she found herself in a strange place that she had never been before.

She came accross a ledge, and when she peered over the side all she could see was darkness far below.  As she peered down the edge she leaned further and further until she slipped. With a scrabble of little feet and a flapping tail, she fell in.


The bottom was very dark.

She could barely see anything as she looked around carefully with her keen ears and sensitive whiskers for the smallest sounds and movement. She had fallen quite a ways.

She tried to jump out, but it was no use; she slid back to the bottom of the hole. She peered up and thought about how nice it would be to go back home where she had left Cricket sleeping.


When Cricket woke up back at home she quickly realized Jelly was gone. She waited patiently, thinking that Jelly would return any moment.

When Jelly didn’t not come back for several long hours Cricket was concerned and decided to go and search for her.


Cricket followed her keen nose in search of Jelly which took her across stretches of fuzzy carpeting, over mountains of fluffy pillows, and through forests of chair legs. Finally, Cricket came to the same edge from which Jelly had slipped and also peered over. Jelly was glad to see Cricket peering down the edge of the hole, but she was also immediately worried. “Don’t lean to far!” Jelly said, “Or you will fall in.”

Cricket quickly got some string and threw it down to Jelly.

Jelly was able to grab onto the string.

With only marginal difficulty, Cricket began to pull her up, up, up and out.


Cricket and Jelly retraced the path back home through the forests of chair legs, over mountains of fluffy pillows, and across stretches of fuzzy carpeting. Even after they were safe at home Cricket kept one eye on Jelly for the rest of the day to make sure did not go exploring alone again.

Jelly didn’t mind. She was done exploring for the day.

Mission Possible


Dear Robynn,

One day Cricket, the rat, received a letter in the mail. It was marked confidential and for Cricket’s eyes only. Cricket read the letter and tore it up into little pieces. “What was that about?” Jelly wanted to know.

No matter how much Jelly wanted to see it, Cricket would not let her.

“I have a surprise for you and I have to go out for a while to get it.” Cricket said “You will just have to wait.” and would not tell Jelly why.


Cricket left Jelly and went off by herself. She had to travel very far to get where she was going. First she had to climb up a tall stack of boxes.


Then she had to scale a narrow ledge.


Then she had to climb down, down, down, many rickety shelves.


Finally Cricket reached her destination and a large gray rat met her. His name was Jack O’Rat and he wore a large black hat on his head with a feather sticking out. Jack  was a craftsman of fine instruments and he took Cricket to a piano and guitar set he had crafted specific for Cricket’s request. “All ready for pickup, just as my letter promised.” He said to Cricket.

Cricket inspected the instruments, very pleased, and then carried them back home to Jelly.


“Look what I have for us Jelly!” Cricket said when she returned. Jelly inspected the instruments and she was very please. “Thank you, Cricket” she said. This a wonderful gift.

And Cricket was pleased that Jelly liked her surprise.

Charlotte’s Web


Dear Robynn,

One day, not very different from any other, the rat named Jelly woke up and thought she heard something from outside of her cage.

She peered out of the door, cautious at first. She wanted to see what it was that she had heard.


There didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary. She was just about to go back inside when she thought she heard the sound again. She cautiously stepped out and tried to listen but it was all quiet again.


Jelly thought that she should go and investigate to make sure. She held her head up high and sniffed the air carefully. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but she knew she had heard something. It had been the quietest tapping sound so that only her sharp ears could pick it up.


She went back into the cage and woke up Cricket. “Come out with me, I heard something and I am too scared to be alone.”

So Cricket and Jelly ventured out together, both sniffing the air and
looking around. Cricket was braver than Jelly and took the lead as they searched.


All was still and quiet in the house.

But then all of a sudden Jelly saw it.

And her eyes widened.


It was a plump, long legged, slightly hairy Spider! Jelly squeaked and jumped, and ran back into her cage. But Cricket was not scared right away. She approached the spider cautiously. Very cautiously because not all spiders were friendly.

“Are you a nice spider, or a mean spider?” Cricket said. And the spider uncurled it’s long legs and said, “I am just trying to find a home. I do not like it in here, I want to be outside where I can build my web. But I do not know how to get outside.”

“You can hop onto my back and I will take you outside.” Cricket said. Cricket called Jelly back out of the cage.

With Jelly’s help, Cricket took the spider outside and into the back yard. There was a lovely wine barrel planter in the back yard that the Rice family had given to the Banta-Smith residence and Jelly and Cricket showed the spider the planter. The spider was very please and she built her web there.

The spider’s name is Charlotte, and she built a beautiful web above my strawberry garden.