Tag Archives: craft project

Rat/Mouse Pattern


This week Jelly Bean and Cricket were just not up for any adventures. So I’m going to bring you something just as good! You can now create your own little rats and the best part is that they do not get into nearly as much trouble as Jelly and Cricket do. At least not all by themselves.

This link will take you to a PDF document with the pattern to make a rat/mouse: RatMouse Pattern PDF .

You’ll need:

  • Felt – it is the best materials for the body and ears. 1 sheet is plenty unless you want different colors
  • Yarn – about 6 inches of yarn makes a great tail
  • Thread, needle, scissors – make sure an adult helps with these items, they can be sharp
  • Embroidery thread – optional, but a thicker thread to stitch the eyes and nose goes quicker
  • Stuffing – it won’t take much

This is an example of the completed project.

Rta felt pattern 3

Even Jelly Bean seemed to think they were nice rats.

Felt rats standard and dumbo

I’m sure variations will work well with this pattern. Different size ears, different colors, different materials for the tail, even enlarging the pattern. I’d love to see pictures of your finished felt rats/mice. You can link  your pictures in the comments section.